Due to a fluke in scheduling, I will have to miss watching the Super Bowl. That's the bad news. The good news is, if my team (the Steelers) stinks up the joint, I won't have to suffer through it.
If they win, I'm guessing ESPN will highlight (ad nauseum) every significant play, so I can still jump up and down, and shout at the television.
1 Wed. Grappino 6-10 (West Dallas, just east of Waugh)
2 Thurs. Marriot in The Woodlands 8-12 (Happy Birthday to me.)
3 Fri. Tobin's 9-1 (11902 Jones Rd.)
4 Sat. Grappino 6-11
5 Sun. Grisby Grill 12-3
5 Sun. Special Assignment
8 Wed. Grappino 6-10
9 Thurs. Beer Island 8-12 (Steak night w/Guitarboy) (Studemont @ White Oak)
10 Fri. Grisby Grill 6-10:00 (Grisby, just south of I-10/HWY 6)
11 Sat. Grappino 6-11
12 Sun. Tobin's 4-10 (Crawfish w/Guitarboy)
14 Tue. Grappino 5:30-9:30
15 Wed. Grappino 6-10
16 Thurs. West End Pub 9-1 (West Little York @ Barker Cypress)
17 Fri. Tobin's 9-1
18 Sat Grisby Grill 6-10:00
19 Sun. Tobin's 4-10 (Crawfish w/Guitarboy)
22 Wed.Special Assignment
23 Thurs. Beer Island 8-12 (Steak night w/Guitarboy)
24 Fri Special Assignment
24 Fri. Tobin's 9-1
25 Sat Grisby Grill 6-10:00
26 Sun. Tobin's 4-10 (Crawfish w/Guitarboy)